VA Phasing Out Treatment for Gender Dysphoria

The following is a news release and The Seattle Lesbian is sharing the data without commentary in its original form.

In response to Trump’s Defending Women from Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government executive order (EO), VA announced Monday that it will phase out medical treatments for gender dysphoria to fully comply with the EO.

Trump’s Defending Women EO states, “It is the policy of the United States to recognize two sexes, male and female. These sexes are not changeable and are grounded in fundamental and incontrovertible reality.”

Any and all savings VA achieves by stopping specific medical treatments for gender dysphoria will be redirected to help severely injured VA beneficiaries — such as paralyzed Veterans and amputees — regain their independence.

Effective immediately, VA will not offer cross-sex hormone therapy to Veterans who have a current diagnosis or history of, or exhibit symptoms consistent with gender dysphoria, unless:

  • Such Veterans are already receiving such care from VA; or
  • Such Veterans were receiving such care from the military as part of and upon their separation from military service and they are eligible for VA health care.

Veterans who do not meet the criteria above are not eligible for cross-sex hormone therapy through VA health care. VA will not provide any other medical or surgical therapy for gender dysphoria to any patients in any circumstance.

“I mean no disrespect to anyone, but VA should not be focused on helping Veterans attempt to change their sex. The vast majority of Veterans and Americans agree, and that is why this is the right decision,” said VA Secretary Doug Collins. 

“All eligible Veterans – including trans-identified Veterans – will always be welcome at VA and will always receive the benefits and services they’ve earned under the law,” Collins added. “But if Veterans want to attempt to change their sex, they can do so on their own dime.”

Eligible Veterans diagnosed with gender dysphoria or identifying as trans will continue to receive comprehensive VA health care, which includes preventive and mental health care. Today’s announcement does not affect VA medical care for eligible Veterans who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and queer.

VA’s LGBTQ+ Veteran Care Coordinator and VISN Lead roles are not affected by this policy change, as they ensure clinically competent, Veteran-centered, and effective care. VCCs are familiar with best clinical practices, understand how to address health issues for LGBTQ+ Veterans, and provide education and guidance at VA medical facilities.

Although VA has never offered sex-change surgeries, the department has been providing treatment for gender dysphoria for more than a decade. VA has not kept consistent and reliable records regarding the total number of Veterans who endured these procedures, the total amount of money spent on them or the total number of employees involved. Veterans Health Administration estimates indicate that less than one tenth of one percent of the 9.1 million Veterans enrolled in VA health care are trans-identified.

Until recently, however, VA had been promoting an array of services designed to help Veterans attempt to change their sex, including:

  • cross-sex hormone therapy
  • voice and communication training
  • so-called gender-affirming prosthetics, including breast forms, chest binders, dilator sets for post-vaginoplasty, packers, surgical compression vests, and wigs

Additionally, VA had been providing letters of support encouraging non-VA providers to perform sex-change surgeries on Veterans. The aforementioned services had been authorized under Veterans Health Administration Directive 1341(4), which has now been rescinded.

In addition to the changes announced Monday, VA facilities have already ensured that all intimate spaces, such as bathrooms, locker rooms and patient rooms, are designated by sex (male or female) or unisex for single-person spaces.

Sarah Toce

Screenwriter & Journalist | Sarah Brusig (Toce) is an appointed member of the King County Women's Advisory Board and an elected precinct committee officer (PCO) in Burien, WA. As a healthcare worker, Sarah is represented by SEIU 1199NW. In 2010, Sarah created the online news source The Seattle Lesbian, LLC, which still receives upward of 100,000 readers per month. A recipient of McCormick's New Media Women Entrepreneur Award in 2012, Sarah was invited to the White House by President Barack Obama in 2015. That same year, GO Mag recognized Sarah as one of their Red-Hot Entrepreneurs in media.​ In 2016, the National Diversity Council honored Sarah with their LGBT Leadership Award. Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) recognized Sarah's advocacy work with the Community Builder Award in 2017, the same year Curve Magazine named Sarah one of their Top Women in Media & Publishing. Sarah served a two-year term as president of the Society of Professional Journalists - Western Washington Chapter beginning in 2018 and was elected Communications Vice Chair of the King County Democrats in 2021.

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